"How many are there now? 300? Very few!"
The Galician Mountain Horse is the last wild horse breed in Europe still living free. Their number is decreasing dangerously, harassed by cattle thieves, wolves, the lack of pastures… and now by multinational power companies.
By them, the small Spanish village of Sabucedo preserves something unique: an ancestral and intimate bond. Both villagers and wild horses live in a mirror situation: the end of the ones would mean the end of the others.
RAPA is a film about the need of belonging, the common good over the individual and our relation with nature and wildlife.

The wild horses as the core
of the community
“The problems that horses bring join us together, wether we like it or not.”
Cattle thieves
“We began not to go to the mountain. Then cattle thieves came and screw it up.”
Multinational power companies
“They want to instal 140 meters long windmills, to cross the mountain with high power lines... And no, this is our mountain and our future.”
The lack of people
in rural communities
“People's hope was that their kids, me for instance, should not stay here working the land.”
The fear of a coming end
“If there isn´t a significant number of beasts, the festivity of the Rapa has no sense. It´s a fight against time, in that we are. ”